How to Maintain and Care For Custom Polo Shirts
Tips & Tricks
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How to Maintain and Care For Custom Polo Shirts

Practical advice on how to care for and maintain custom polo shirts.

Custom polo shirts are timeless and versatile, balancing comfort and professionalism. Whether you’re wearing them for work events or casual outings, maintaining their quality and appearance is essential for a polished look that lasts.

Proper care is critical to preserving your polos’ shape, color, and design and ensuring they remain a long-lasting part of your and your audience’s wardrobe. 

Read along as we explore the best practices for washing, drying, and storing your custom polo shirts so they always look good as new. 

Pre-Washing Your Custom Polo Shirt

It’s a good idea to pre-wash your new custom polo shirt before wearing it. Pre-washing helps remove excess dye from the fabric and softens the shirts, making them more comfortable. 

Tips for Pre-Washing: 

Washing Your Custom Polo Shirts

Custom polos are often made from durable fabrics like cotton, polyester, or blends. Despite their durability, proper washing is crucial for maintaining the look and feel of your shirts. 

Machine Washing

Select a gentle or delicate cycle to minimize wear and tear when washing your custom polo in a machine. 

Hand Washing

Hand washing is a safer alternative for custom polos with delicate materials or intricate designs. Gently soak the shirt in cool water with a mild detergent and rub gently to remove dirt. Avoid ringing out the shirt to prevent stretching or distorting the fabric.

Drying Your Custom Polo Shirts

Proper drying is essential to avoid shrinkage, fading, or damage to the fabric. The way you dry your polo shirts can significantly impact their lifespan. 


Air-drying is the best way to maintain the quality of your polo shirts. After washing, gently shake the shirt to reduce wrinkles, hang it on a hanger, or lay it flat to dry. If hanging, using a padded hanger can help prevent the fabric from stretching at the shoulders. 

AVOID DIRECT SUNLIGHT, Y’ALL. Keep your polo away from direct sunlight when air-drying to prevent colors from fading. 

Machine Drying

If you must machine-dry your custom polos, use the lowest heat setting to minimize the risk of shrinkage. Polos made from performance fabrics are often wrinkle-reisistant, so removing them from the dryer immediately after the cycle ends will help reduce wrinkles and keep the shirt looking crisp.

Ironing and Steaming Custom Polo Shirts

If your custom polo shirt comes out of the wash with wrinkles, ironing or steaming can help restore its smooth, polished appearance. 


Turn the shirt inside out for polos that need ironing to protect any printed designs or embroidery. Use a medium to low heat setting, especially for synthetic fabrics, to prevent scorching or damage. Always avoid ironing directly over any printed areas to keep the designs intact.

USE A PRESS CLOTH! Placing a press cloth between the shirt and the iron can help prevent direct heat from damaging the fabric or design. 


Steaming is a gentle alternative to ironing, particularly for more delicate fabrics. It’s an effective way to remove wrinkles without the risk of heat damage to the fabric or custom designs. Hold the steamer a few inches from the shirt and let the steam work out the creases.

Storing Your Custom Polo Shirts 

Proper storage is key to maintaining the shape and quality of your custom polo shirts. Whether you fold or hang them, how you store your shirts can significantly impact their longevity. 

Folding vs. Hanging 

If your polos are made from thicker materials, folding them neatly is the best way to avoid shoulder stretching. For lighter fabrics, hanging the shirts can maintain their shape. Ensure the closet space is not overcrowded, as compressed shirts are more likely to wrinkle or lose shape. 

Padded Hangers

If you choose to hang your polos, padded hangers can prevent the fabric from stretching and distorting over time. 

Spot-Treating Stains On Your Custom Polo Shirts

Accidental stains are inevitable, but addressing them as soon as possible is the key to avoiding long-term damage.

How to Spot-Treat:

For common stains, such as food or oil, blot the affected area with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Avoid rubbing aggressively, as this can spread the stain and damage the fabric. Applying a small amount of baking soda to the stain before washing can help lift the oil from the fabric for tougher stains like grease.

For sweat stains, a mixture of water and white vinegar can effectively remove discoloration without harming the fabric. 

Long-Lasting Custom Polo Shirts… Just a Click Away.

Taking care of your custom polo shirts may require a bit of extra effort, but it’s worth it to preserve their fit, colors, and designs for years to come. From pre-washing to spot-treating stains, following these simple guidelines will ensure your polos look fresh, crisp, and ready to wear, no matter how often you reach for ‘em.

With the proper care routine, your custom polo shirts will remain an essential part of your personal brand. They will always look their best and make a strong impression every time you wear them.

Interested in some custom apparel of your own? Check out our full product selection, or contact a printing pro to get started.

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